10/19/2018 6:52:41 PM -
On June 14, 2018, the New York Commission presented the need to address cyber security events to, as the commission stated, “mitigate vulnerability of utility systems to cyber-attacks, and to ensure that confidential and sensitive customer information remains safeguarded from potential data breaches.” The Commission indicated the need for not only the utilities to have adequate cyber protections, but for other entities that interface with the utilities’ systems to also have adequate cyber protections as well.
The Joint Utilities asked that all energy services entities (ESEs), (1) complete a Self-Attestation of information security controls; and (2) execute a Data Security Agreement (DSA) with the utilities with whom the ESE does business. The Joint Utilities assert authority under the Uniform Business Practices (UBP) that the utility may discontinue an ESCO’s participation in its retail access program for not complying with the above two requests.
As of the September 21, 2018, approximately 80% of ESCOs have executed the DSA, and approximately 75% of ESCOs have executed the Self-Attestation. The ESCOs that have executed a complete DSA serve approximately 90% of New York retail Access customers. With respect to EDI providers, approximately 50% have executed the DSA and approximately 35% have executed the Self-Attestation.
Based on the Staff creating a Frequently Asked Questions document that was made available on September 14, 2018, they expect the numbers of ESE that have executed both the DSA and the Self-Attestation to continue to increase over the next several weeks as their questions are addressed.
Staff is encouraged that a large majority of ESEs have executed the Self-Attestation and DSA. To the extent there are remaining ESEs that have failed to do so, the utilities have the ability to initiate the discontinuance process which requires Staff’s interaction.
More details on the above information can be found within the following - CASE 18-M-0376 - Proceeding on Motion of the Commission Regarding Cyber Security Protocols and Protections in the Energy Market Place…found at the following Link -http://www3.dps.ny.gov/W/PSCWeb.nsf/96f0fec0b45a3c6485257688006a701a/4a24d0d51395b1f8852582a2004398a3/$FILE/36604176.pdf/18-M-0376%20DPS%20Staff%20Report%20-%20Cyber%20Security%20B2B%20Process%2020180924.pdf
The Competitive Markets and Customer Choice Workgroup has been holding work sessions on Phase II of this project to discuss and define changes ordered by the PSC Associated with PC44 and Enhancements to the Competitive Markets and Customer Choice Regulations. After numerous meetings, the group submitted a report and recommendation that the Public Service Commission of Maryland (“Commission”) initiate a rulemaking proceeding to consider the proposed draft regulations appended to this report.
Progress and agreement were achieved on several items, however the group failed to come to consensus on all items, among them ... seamless move and instant connect. The CMCC workgroup recommended that the Commission initiate a rulemaking proceeding, request comments on this report to get more feedback, and schedule a rulemaking session to consider the proposed regulatory changes.
Several of the items that were not agreed on for implementation at this time include Seamless Moves and Instant Connects. however, draft guidelines to do so have been prepared for if/when a decision is reached to implement.
Requirements for Suppliers to offer Budget Billing comparable to what the Utilities currently offer for Electric and Gas customers was discussed. The Work Group drafted regulations that would be applicable to suppliers who voluntarily elect to offer a budget billing option to their customers.
Lastly, the CMCC Work Group reached a compromise on language related to the posting of open offers by suppliers to the Commission’s website, which would require modifications to existing regulations. The Work Group suggests that the existing applicable regulations reflect the requirement for a supplier to resolve differences between offers on the Commission website and the Suppliers website in the manner most favorable to the customer.
The link to the full Report and attachments can be found on the PSC website at: https://www.psc.state.md.us/search-results/?keyword=cmcc%2520 under: Report Regarding Proposed Enhancements to the Competitive
EDI Changes - Net Metering
Suppliers that do not want to serve net metered accounts should make sure that they can identify these accounts prior to enrollments to prevent cumbersome /manual billing procedures or the need to quickly drop net metered customers.
The Maryland EDI workgroup also approved change controls that define the new meter read formats to facilitate the multiple Net meter programs and their Utility specific data requirements. Suppliers who intend to serve net metered customers need to understand these changes and work with the EDI/Billing service providers and internal application support folks to make the appropriate changes to correctly bill net metered accounts.
MarketWISE Changes
Changes are also being rolled out here at Marketwise. We are launching a new Website that will provide significant information about our products and services, including demo videos.
A new version of our Energy Portal product has been released that provides our clients with a consistent interface to quickly link to the most commonly requested information for each utility, market specific business rules concerning Enrollments, Bill options, FAQ and much more. And also, with the new version you now have access to all this information via a mobile application. You can be the smartest person in the room with a quick glance at your phone!
New tools are coming for everyone who participates in EDI workgroup meetings, and yes Marketwise is making these tools available to all workgroup participants for free as our contribution to continually trying to improve the methods and processes for market participants to collaborate and maintain the EDI implementation guidelines for each state.
Check back frequently as we will be announcing the demo of our Virtual Retail Analyst product that will provide up to 200 detailed business rules per utility via a user interface that will allow you to compare markets and perform gap analysis between markets that you are currently active and market that you are considering entering. This product used in conjunction with our Market Entry training, project management and Market monitoring products will get you into markets faster, cheaper and maintain your compliance going forward.
We are excited about sharing information with you about all of these new enhancements and coming products. We are currently offering incentives to new clients that meet with us in October. Please contact us to set up an overview and demo of our offerings.
Marketwise, once again, had a booth at the vendor show at the Energy Marketing Conference in NYC on October 11, 2018. If you didn’t have a chance to stop by, send us an email (info@mrktwise.com) and we will be happy to provide information on our products.